We are an African and Caribbean group based in Weston-super-Mare and the surrounding regions, set up to provide for members of our community a place to meet on a regular basis, to socialise and share in a comfortable and welcoming environment.
Why Ago! Ame!
The name is derived from the Twi language used by the Akan people of Southern Ghana. In a general village meeting setting, a call out of “Ago!” literally means ‘may I speak’ whilst “Ame!” is the response given by the leader of the group to both acknowledge the request and give permission for the person to speak.
In the main, we are not a politically charged group however, in this changing world it is impossible to avoid politics completely and, in our close relationship with Race Equality North Somerset (RENS), we inevitably contribute to the aims they represent.
Race Equality North Somerset (RENS)
Is the re-branded North Somerset BME Network who have represented the area successfully over the past 15 years. Currently based at The Other Place (TOP) 81-83 Meadow Street BS23 1QL, which provides an array of facilities for the Global and Ethnic Minority Communities.